
Why Does An Ant Exist?

ants are among the most highly organized organisms on Earth. Each ant has a specific role to play, and they work as a team to protect their colony and survive.

They build nests, excavate the ground, and feed their larvae. They also use their mandibles to form food. They can lift up to 50 times their own weight, which is impressive for a small insect.

They live in colonies, and some species can produce millions of eggs. In some colonies, the queen may live for decades. Some species have been known to create rafts, which they use to float above water.

They have been around for millions of years. They evolved from a common wasp ancestor. They are part of the Hymenoptera order. They are found on every continent, but not in Antarctica.

There are thousands of species of ants on Earth. They live in colonies, which can contain millions of ants. Each colony has a queen. The queen leads the colony and lays eggs.

When the queen dies, a new worker takes over her role. The queen lays her eggs in a special chamber inside the nest. The worker ants take care of the queen and feed the larvae.

The queen may live for several years, but the workers can only live a few weeks. A worker ant’s job is to follow pheromones, lay down chemicals, and find food for the colony. They can walk several miles from their nest.