
How Do Pavement Ants Cause Damage to Your Home?

Often times, people think that pavement ants are harmless but they can be a problem. In fact, they can cause considerable damage to your home. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to prevent an infestation.

First, clean up your home. This will prevent pavement ants from settling in your home. Second, keep your kitchen clean. Keep your garbage containers closed. Also, keep the area around your home free of debris.

Finally, seal any cracks in your home. Sealing any cracks will keep ants from gaining entrance. You can also use ant paste on any cracks in your home to keep ants from entering.

Pavement ants are not venomous but they can cause minor pain when they bite you. They can also contaminate food with urine or feces. If they do manage to bite you, you may notice some swelling and redness.

Pavement ants are usually found in high moisture areas. They also prefer warm temperatures. They are attracted to a variety of foods, including meat, vegetables, honeydew, and sweets.

They may also swarm if they feel threatened. If they swarm, you might notice a small swarm of ants near your window.

Pavement ants will feed on a variety of food items, including crumbs from sweet foods, food scraps, and meats. They will also eat dead insects and honeydew from aphids. They will also eat plant roots and grease.

If you have a large amount of pavement ants, you may want to look into ant pest control. A professional can identify the most conducive conditions for ant infestation and can help you determine the best course of action to combat your problem.