
Why Do Carpenter Ants Make Holes in Walls?

Unlike many other insects, ants do not have to build holes in walls to survive. They will nest in crevices, holes, and underground chambers. Some ants even create tunnels that extend for many feet below the surface. These tunnels are used to store food and raise young.

Carpenter ants will go to great lengths to build a nest inside a wood structure. They chew through the studs and leave behind shavings. This is a sign of an infestation.

Some ants will scurry out of light fixtures and electrical outlets. They will also find openings in walls for vents and drains. Other species may nest in planters, furniture, or even in the back of your refrigerator.

In order to keep ants out of your home, you can install door sweeps on your front doors and garage doors. You should also seal up any cracks or holes in your exterior walls. You can also apply an insecticide spray or dust to your house to eliminate a larger ant infestation.

Carpenter ants are attracted to warm, moist areas. They prefer to nest in a wood structure near a warm or moist environment.

If you notice a carpenter ant invasion, you should start by examining the inside of the wall. You may notice a hollow sound. This indicates that carpenter ants are tunneling through the wood. You may also notice wood shavings at the base of the wall.

Depending on the species, anthills may be small or tower several feet into the air. Some anthills have massive networks of connected tunnels. Others have barely noticeable anthills on the surface.