
Why Do Ants Come Out in Spring?

During spring, the ants will come out of their hideouts and start to roam the outdoors. This is the time when they will search for new food sources. They also look for water.

When ants are looking for food, they will seek out areas with sweets and water. They will then bring it back to the colony. The same goes for when they look for a new nest. This is where they will lay their eggs.

There are several species of ants in New York. They include Odorous House ants, Carpenter Ants, Pavement Ants, and the Pharaoh Ant.

The Odorous House ant is one of the most prominent sugar-seeking ants. They are tiny brownish black creatures that will eat anything that is even slightly sweet. The Odorous House ant is named for the odor they produce when they are crushed.

The Odorous House ant will invade your home for a few reasons. One reason is to get to their favorite sugary foods. Another reason is to look for shelter. They will make their way into the home by using small crevices or even cracks in the baseboards.

The Pharaoh Ant is another ant that will damage your lawn. They are also very sweet and are drawn to meat. You will also find that they are very persistent. They will return every time the weather improves and they have access to new food sources.

There are a number of home remedies for getting rid of ants. The best is to remove food sources, such as sugary treats, from your kitchen. You can also use dehumidifiers in damp areas.