
Where Can I Get Ants For an Ant Farm?

Having an ant farm is fun and educational. The ants are interesting to watch and it’s a good way to study their underground behavior. Ants are also very efficient at keeping their habitat clean. They communicate by leaving scent trails and touching their antennas.

There are more than 12,000 different species of ants in the world. Some species are more aggressive than others. Most ants like moderately moist nests.

Some species have elaborate social systems. For example, the Harvester Ant worker spends most of their time creating tunnels in a blue gel medium. The workers then navigate back to their nest through scent trails.

Most ant farms come with lids and extra security measures to help keep the ants inside. Some farms include blue locks that slide open for feeding. Other farms have security locks with a deterrent lip.

Some ants can be found in the woods or under stones and rocks. They are also found in old tree branches. They are very easy to collect and take care of. You can get ants from the Internet or at scientific supply stores.

You should only purchase ants from a reputable source. Some states prohibit the transportation of live ants across state lines.

A few species of ants are recommended for ant farms. These include black garden ants, carpenter ants and the Harvester Ant. Carpenter ants are noted for their size and non-aggressive nature.

Ants require food, water and shelter. It is best to remove dead ants before ordering new ones. It is important to remove ant carcasses as they may contain bacteria and mold.