
What Should Ants Eat?

Various species of ants have been known to consume meat, eggs, and even larvae, depending on the species. While some species can sustain themselves on one type of food, others prefer to consume protein-rich foods.

Depending on the species, ants may also consume fungus or seeds. The leaf-cutter ant, for example, may consume plant leaves to form a fungus.

Some ants prefer sweet foods. These include the common pavement ant and the crazy ant. If you have one of these species in your home, it may be a good idea to feed them honeydew. Honeydew is a sugar-rich liquid produced by aphids after they feed on plants. It can leak down tree trunks and plant stems, and can be collected from the ground.

Ants need protein to develop. They can get this through food or through other insects. For example, fire ants consume a variety of insects, including baby birds.

They can also be fed insects in the wild. Wild insects carry parasites and pathogens, and should be collected from a pesticide-free area. These insects can be collected in a test tube, and fed with a syringe or toothpick. The colony may only require two insects a week.

Many ants also like sugary liquids. These include honey and fruit.

If you have a colony of ants, you should feed them every few days. The amount of food they need depends on how many workers and larvae are in the colony. It’s also important to diversify their food sources. This will help them obtain all the substances they need.