
What Do Ants Eat For Breakfast?

Having an ant infestation in your home can seem like the whole house is under attack. But there are ways to make your home less attractive to ants.

First, ants are very intelligent. They use a chemical sense of smell to detect foods. They also use their mandibles to cut plants into smaller pieces.

Some species of ants even have a symbiotic relationship with aphids. This allows ants to get their protein needs from these insects.

Another food ant species like is sugar. They find sugar especially appealing inside a home. They also use sugar to attract aphids.

Ants also prefer protein-rich foods and fruits. They also like honey. In fact, they can use their chemical sense of smell to tell the difference between carbohydrates and proteins.

Depending on the species, ants will also eat other insects. They can even eat other ants when there is a shortage of food.

But it is important to note that ants do not eat dead ants. They place them in a special room where they can be used as a protein source. They will also leave a chemical trail to help other ants find their food.

In the wild, ants rely on protein sources from dead animals and insects. Ants in the kitchen are often opportunistic and will try any food that is available.

Some ants even farm the milk of aphids. This helps control aggressive plants. In addition to these two protein sources, ants also eat fats and carbohydrates.