
What Ants Are Native to North America?

Countless species of ants can be found in North America. There are over 13,800 species of ants in the world. Most are insects, but some have stingers that can harm humans.

Some ants are very common and colonize homes. These include leafcutter ants, which can wreak havoc in gardens. They have jaws that vibrate up to 1,000 times a second, allowing them to harvest plant parts.

The Black Carpenter Ant is common in southeastern Canada and the United States. It was first named by science in 1773. It is a member of the family Formicidae. It was first named because of its black abdomen and stingers.

The white-footed ant is another species found throughout North America. It is known for its preference of honeydew nectar from sucking insects.

The Myrmica rubra ant is a member of the Myrmicine ant genus. It is found in disturbed areas such as soil near the roots of shrubs and trees. The nests of the ant are cryptic and difficult to find. It is found in the Northeastern U.S.

The pyramid ant is another ant that is found in the United States. It has a triangular projection on its thorax and is typically brown to dark reddish brown.

These insects are found in arid and semiarid regions of the U.S. They are nocturnal and have a distinctive two-segmented antennal club. They feed on protein-rich foods and fats. They are not attracted to wood.