
Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction to Fire Ants

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to fire ants vary depending on the amount of venom injected into the skin. The reaction can be mild, but it can also be severe. Often, it is accompanied by an intense burning sensation and pain.

The most common signs of a fire ant allergy are itching and swelling. Itching usually occurs in the first several hours after a sting, and will last for a few days. The swelling will cause pain and can also interrupt blood supply to the toes.

If you have had a severe allergic reaction, you should carry an epinephrine auto-injector, such as EpiPen. This device can help you reverse the reaction, but you should still go to the emergency room for help.

In severe cases, a sting can lead to anaphylactic shock. This is a life-threatening reaction. If you develop anaphylactic shock, you may suffer cardiac arrest. If you suspect that you are allergic to fire ants, you should take immediate action. You should also visit an allergist for desensitization injections.

If you are allergic to fire ants, the best way to prevent the symptoms is to avoid being near their nests. You should also wear protective clothing when outside. You can also try slapping or brushing ants off of your skin. If the sting is severe, you should apply a cold compress. Taking an over-the-counter antihistamine can also help relieve the symptoms.

It is also recommended that you use prescription-strength steroid creams to help reduce the swelling. You should also keep the area clean, as the blisters can become infected.