
Is There a Way to Get Rid of Ants Without Killing Them?

Getting rid of ants seems like an easy task, but it isn’t. There are several methods that you can use to keep ants out of your home and keep your family safe.

One method is to spray citrus juice around the perimeter of your home. These fruits will mask the pheromone trails ants leave when they enter your house.

Another method is to use a solution of vinegar and water. This will redirect ants to a food source. The vinegar won’t kill ants, but it will discourage them from entering.

Another method is to seal off entry holes. Sealing holes in the house will keep ants from entering and prevent them from re-entering. Sealing holes in screens and screen doors will also help keep ants out of your house.

A homemade ant repellent using citrus fruits can also keep ants out of your home. You can make a spray by mixing citrus juice with water. You can also sprinkle citrus fruits around your home or place them in flower beds.

If you don’t have citrus fruits around your home, you can use citrus oil. This is an effective repellant, but you may have to mix it with water. Alternatively, you can use a commercial air freshener spray with lemon.

Some people have found that brewed coffee grounds can be effective as an ant deterrent. However, this doesn’t work as well as the full strength of neem oil.

Another natural ant repellent is the use of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a naturally occurring insecticide that is safe to use. You can buy it at your local grocery store. You can also spray it directly on ants.