
Is There a Purpose For Ants?

Whether you love them or hate them, ants are a major component of our ecosystems. They make the earth more productive and provide food for thousands of species. They also help control pests. In fact, ants are responsible for about 20% of the biomass of the earth.

A colony of ants works like a factory. Each worker is responsible for a specific task. They decide what to do based on cues from the environment. These cues are communicated through pheromones and chemicals.

The queen is the largest ant in the colony. She has wings that she sheds when she starts a new colony. She also lays fertilized eggs. She can lay them for months on end. Some queens participate in the care of the young.

Other workers help the colony maintain its nest. They clean the nest and defend it from enemies. They also collect food for the colony. Their scent trails are used by other workers to find each other.

They are very intelligent. They are able to solve complex problems in a group. They can decide on the most effective way to interact with their nestmates. They can also communicate with each other through their pheromones.

Ants are the first insects to have complex social structures. They were probably the first city builders on earth. They were also the first insects to learn how to farm.

In some instances, ants will kill other insects that could harm trees. They are also responsible for destroying pests, such as aphids.