
Is It An Army Of Ants?

Until recently, people believed that army ants were simply ravenous predators, but they are much more than that. While they are a pest in some parts of the world, they are also important in many ecosystems. These ants are a keystone species in the Neotropical rainforests. They are responsible for the survival of hundreds of species of animals.

Army ants are a super-organism. They have a hierarchical structure that includes a queen, workers, and soldiers. They also use their own bodies to form large, conical structures called bivouacs. These structures are like living cities.

During the nomadic phase, workers are responsible for bringing back typical army ant prey, such as ants and insects. They also help the queen tend her brood.

They also build temporary nests while they travel. These nests are similar to a bivouac. These nests are usually built in trees above the ground. They also build walls around the nest to protect the queen.

Army ants are also known as “driver ants” in some parts of the world. They are known to attack agricultural pests.

These ants live in large colonies. They can produce up to three or four million eggs per month. They also feed on birds and insects. They have large, scissor-like mandibles. They also use acid to liquefy prey. They are also able to pierce through prey with their mandibles.

The army ants are considered to be one of the keystone species in the Neotropical rainforests. Their colonies can contain over 130 species.