
How to Keep Ants Out of Compost

Keeping ants out of compost isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Some species of ants can be aggressive and may be harmful to your plants. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to keep ants out of compost without using harsh chemicals.

First, ensure your compost pile is warm enough. The temperatures should be at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit. This will help speed up the decomposition process.

Second, turn your compost heap regularly. This will help ensure the air is mixed into the compost and aerate it. This will also help break up sharp particles.

Third, you can keep ants out of compost by using a damp material. This includes fresh grass clippings, non-edible plant material, woody part, and a small amount of water. If you don’t have enough moisture, it will be difficult for ants to dig tunnels.

Finally, consider adding green compost to your compost heap. This helps to keep the compost moist and will attract good bacteria to help break up the compost.

If you are worried about keeping ants out of your compost, try putting a tarp on the ground. This will help contain the heat and keep your compost warm. You can also use a plastic cover to keep the compost moist.

You can also get rid of ants by turning your compost pile. This will help aerate it, break it up, and make it harder for ants to establish colonies.

If you aren’t sure whether your compost heap is warm enough, use a thermometer. It’s important to keep your compost pile at 140 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Ants won’t be able to establish colonies with temperatures below this.