
How to Get Rid of Fire Ants

Getting rid of fire ants is an important part of keeping your home and family safe. These invasive species have the capability to sting humans and pets, and can cause significant damage to property. They are also a potential health risk for those who are allergic to insect stings.

To prevent fire ants from entering your home, seal any cracks or holes around the exterior of the home. Fire ants can get in through electrical boxes, HVAC units, holes in the exterior walls, and gaps around water heaters and utility rooms.

Fire ants are known for their stings, which can cause painful “bites.” These stings can lead to allergic reactions, and anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal.

If you have been stung by fire ants, it can take several weeks to heal. You may also experience painful welts. Fire ant venom contains high concentrations of toxins, which can cause serious health effects. Fire ant bites are especially bad in the southern states, where they are more common.

Fire ants are invasive species that can cause significant agricultural losses. They are known to sting humans, pets, and livestock. They are a health risk to those with allergies, and can sting multiple times.

If you’re concerned about fire ants, you should look for a pest control professional who is licensed to handle the issue. They can apply fire ant treatments and provide free estimates. The average cost of fire ant treatment can range from $150 to $500, but you may get a discount if you use multiple treatments.