
How to Get Rid of Ants in Your Walls

Getting rid of ants in walls can be a challenge. However, you can find effective ways to get rid of ants. The first step is to identify the species. This will help you decide which type of eradication method to use.

Ants are attracted to moist areas and to places that have a warm temperature. Generally, they build nests inside walls or in crevices.

Ants will travel along the walls looking for food and water. If you notice small holes in the drywall or sawdust piles on the floor near your wall, you may have an ant infestation.

Carpenter ants can cause serious structural damage in your home. They can chew holes in drywall and even chew through the wood. They are usually black in color, but can have reddish tints. Carpenter ants can cause millions of dollars in property damage in the U.S. If you suspect that your walls are infested, contact a professional pest control company.

Keeping your house clean and dry is a great way to keep ants out. Sealing any cracks or crevices around your home can also help prevent ant infestations. You can also use a chemical poison to spray ant routes.

You can also try baits or traps. You can use boric acid or peanut butter traps to catch and kill ants. Some people also find that peppermint oil can repel ants. You can also mix water and vinegar and spray the mixture on the ants.