
Do I Have Ants in My Home?

Typically, ants will live outdoors. But they can also be found inside the house. There are different types of ants, including carpenter ants and odorous house ants. They are both invasive species that can cause problems, especially in Southern California.

These ants are larger than normal, black, and usually build nests in wood. Carpenter ants can cause structural damage to your home. They also eat other insects and pet food. They can also be attracted to water. They may tunnel through damaged wood.

When these ants are looking for food, they often follow a scent trail. They are also attracted to water, moisture, and dirt. If you want to prevent an ant infestation, consider blocking off entry points and removing moisture sources.

You can also control ants by cleaning up spills and removing sticky spots. A professional exterminator can provide you with a control program, which may include placing an insecticide barrier around the foundation of your home.

A professional exterminator can also help you find the source of the ants in your home. This may involve treating the nesting area or baiting the ants.

In most cases, ants will enter your home in search of food and water. They will also search for a hideout. They will use spaces behind wardrobes and closets. They will also hide in walls, behind furniture, and ceilings. They may also scale walls.

Some of the most common ant homes are in the kitchen and bathroom. If you have a dirty bathroom, ants may be attracted to the moisture and food.