
How to Get Rid of Ants in Your Clothes

Getting rid of ants in your clothes is not a difficult task. There are plenty of options that you can choose from. However, the most important thing is to find out how to kill the ants before they can even come in contact with your clothes.

One of the best ways to remove ants from clothes is to soak them in a solution of detergent and water. It is important that you soak the garments in this solution for at least an hour. This will kill the ants and remove the stains. Then you will need to dry the garments thoroughly. This will help to prevent mold from forming on the garments.

Another way to get rid of ants is by adding baking soda and vinegar to your detergent. However, this method is not as effective as vinegar. Instead, you can use borax. This can also be purchased at your local hardware store.

Another method is to add peppermint oil to cotton balls and place them in areas where ants are coming in contact with your clothes. The smell will repel the ants away from the clothes.

Another method to get rid of ants is to put a mixture of vinegar and water in your washing machine. This will help to remove the pheromone scent trails that ants leave. This will help to discourage other ants from following in their footsteps.

Another method to get rid of ant infestation is to buy an ant spray. You can also buy an ant bait.