
How High Can Ants Crawl?

Unlike humans, ants are light and durable. They have six legs and a large body to surface ratio. They are also industrious. They build nests underground and inside buildings. They are found in more than 12,400 species around the world.

One species, the wood ant, builds a mound in the ground and retreats underground in winter. Its nest is a network of tunnels and chambers. It is about half a meter tall and consists of twigs, leaves, and soil.

Another species, the Florida harvester ant, builds nests that are up to three meters deep. They spend the summer in the upper nest and retreat underground in winter. They leave behind kickout holes and piles of wood shavings in the crawl spaces of the walls.

These ants are extremely durable and can survive falls of any height. Their legs are sticky, so they can climb fairly high. Their bodies have an exoskeleton, which helps protect their internal organs. They also have claws on their feet, which help them grip surfaces.

They can climb up vertical surfaces up to 60 degrees. They also have the ability to crawl on glass. They also can squeeze through any opening. They can climb over obstacles if they are not too high. However, they cannot change directions in the air.

They have a very distinctive walking pattern. They walk alternately with the front and back right foot on the ground and the middle right foot in the air. They also use their wings to glide through the air.