Can Ants Eat Grass?
Several types of ants are harmless to humans but may cause problems in your lawn. Some ants, such as the fire ant, are aggressive and can damage your grass. You may also experience problems with odorous house ants and pavement ants.
Besides destroying your grass, ants can cause other problems in your yard. For example, they may build anthills, which cover your grass and ruin its appearance. They also may tunnel through your grass, damaging its roots. They may also eat the grass seed and other insects and plants.
You should be careful to treat ants. If you spray a chemical insecticide, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe use. It may also be important to be careful about using it on other creatures, such as beneficial insects, as well.
If ants are causing problems on your lawn, consider using a method of organic ant control. For example, you can use a soap water solution. To make it, combine a cup of soap water with a teaspoon of mild dishwashing soap in a spray bottle. Apply this solution to the ant nest and around its entrance.
If you want to eliminate ants completely, you can also use a substance called diatomaceous earth. It’s a fine powder that looks like talcum powder, but it acts like glass on the exoskeletons of insects. It will kill ants in 48 hours. It’s also non-toxic to pets.
There are several ant control options, such as chemical insecticides and home remedies. If you’re not sure which to use, you can call your local agricultural extension office for advice.