
Are Coffee Grounds Good For Ants?

Using coffee grounds as an ant repellent can be a simple way to keep ants away from your home. However, you will need to know how to use them in the correct way.

Most gardeners collect coffee grounds throughout the week and store them in an airtight container. The grounds are ideal for keeping ants away from garden plants. They are also beneficial for adding to flower pots, beds, and compost piles.

However, you need to make sure you are using fresh coffee grounds. Dry coffee does not work well as an ant deterrent. The acidity in coffee can also damage the exoskeletons of insects.

Coffee grounds can also be used as mulch. Spread them around your garden to create a scent barrier that ants do not like. You can also pile them over existing ant trails. This will confuse the ants and make it difficult for them to find food.

Coffee grounds are also helpful for keeping snails and slugs away from plants. They contain a lot of nitrogen, which is helpful for aerating soil and attracting beneficial earthworms.

Ants are especially active during the summer months. It is a good idea to check your garden for ant hills or nests. Once you know where they are, you can spread coffee grounds on top of them.

The acidity of coffee grounds can also disrupt ant scent trails. If the pH of the soil is high, it can kill off the good bacteria in the soil and disrupt the pheromones that ants use to find food.