
Are Ants Good For Potted Plants?

Having ants around your potted plants is never good. They can damage your plants and destroy your potting mix. Depending on the type of ants you have, you can use insecticides to eliminate them. There are also some natural solutions you can use to keep ants out of your pots.

Ants are usually attracted to smelly foods. So if you want to keep ants out of your potted plants, you may want to place bait at the base of your plants. Also, you can scatter spices around the base of your plants. Alternatively, you can spray your plants with a deterrent spray.

One of the easiest ways to keep ants away from your potted plants is to use lemon juice. The acidity of lemons makes ants shy away from them. You can spray this solution on your potted plants in the morning or evening. You can also sprinkle citrus rinds around your plants.

Using essential oils is another way to keep ants away from your plants. You can add a few drops of these oils to water and then use a spray bottle.

Another way to keep ants away from your potted plant is to add diatomaceous earth (DE). DE is a natural product that will help kill ants. It contains silicon and other minerals. It is best sprinkled on the soil of your potted plants after rains. However, you need to be careful not to breathe in the powder.