
Will Wasps Use a Bee House?

Whether a bee house will be used by wasps depends on the kind of wasps you have in your garden. Some species of wasps will use the boxes for their nesting purposes, while others will not.

The first step to a successful bee house is to choose the right materials. This is why you need to use materials that are safe and breathable. A bee house should have a sloping roof, solid back and small overhang.

If you want to make a home-made bee house, you can use logs, rolls of dried reeds, or dried herbaceous stems. These can be cut into clean cuts and placed in an upright position. You should replace the stems every year or two to avoid rot.

Alternatively, you can use cardboard bee tubes. These are sold in several online retailers. However, they are not waterproof and should be stored in a cold, dry place during the winter.

For a free-standing bee house, you can use sections of untreated timber. However, cracks in the logs can make pests easier to spread.

You can also use old wooden boxes or drawers. Just make sure the holes in the wooden box are small. Otherwise, you will have trouble getting bees to enter the hole.

You can also use cardboard boxes. The only problem with cardboard tubes is that they can rot if exposed to rain. They are best used in a shed or unheated garage.

You can also use plastic containers. However, they can be very damp, causing condensation.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!