
Why Don’t You See Wasps at Night?

During the night you may not see wasps flying around your house. These insects are territorial and they perceive humans as threats. They will attack people who come close to their nest.

Some species of wasps are carnivorous, and they eat spiders and caterpillars. Others are parasitoid, and they paralyze their prey. These insects are also a threat to people with allergies.

Wasps are commonly found during the summer and early fall, but they are active during the day as well. They build nests in wood, siding, and in eaves and attics. They are also attracted to bright colors. If you see a nest in your home, you should remove it.

Wasps can also enter a home through a hole in the foundation, siding, or window. They will also build nests in the walls, eaves, woodpiles, and trees. The best time to remove a wasp nest is at night, when wasps are not at their most active.

Wasps can be a problem for people who have allergies to their stings. If you’re allergic to wasp stings, you should get professional help.

Wasps are also known to sting repeatedly. They will attack you if they feel threatened or annoyed. They will also sting when they defend themselves. They can also sting people who try to approach their nest.

If you think you have a nest in your home, you should contact a professional. It may be that the queen wasps are laying eggs in your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!