
Why Does Wasps Exist?

During the spring, a social wasp colony is formed. The queen lays eggs in a series of six-sided cells. These cells are constructed from wood fibres. These fibres are then combined with water to form a long-lasting papier mache. The workers communicate in intricate ways to collect food.

Social wasp colonies usually have thousands of worker females. These workers raise a starter brood of worker females from the queen’s eggs. The queen hibernates during the winter and returns in the spring to begin laying eggs. The queen’s antennae are important sense organs. They tuck under the thorax and are important for survival.

After laying eggs, the queen is then protected from predators in a protected place to overwinter. This is why female wasps cannot hibernate in open areas. The queen then finds a nesting site where she will mate and lay eggs.

The queen wasp builds a small nest of paper cells. The workers then begin to die off in late summer. The queen is mated and the nest is protected for hibernation.

In the summer, social wasp colonies capture insects. These wereps also control spiders and capture caterpillars. These colonies can have more than 5,000 workers. These colonies are often found in manmade structures. These colonies are considered annoying pests. However, the agriculture industry regularly deploys these wasps to protect crops.

Scientists want to know more about the wasps. These insects are essential to ecosystems. They also offer many benefits to humans. Some wasp species pollinate flowers. They can also be used as environmental monitoring tools.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!