
Why Do Wasps Make Nests?

Seeing wasps building nests around your house might be a little odd. But wasps are social insects, meaning they want to be around other wasps. The nests are usually constructed in a sheltered location.

The nests are made of wood, paper pulp, or mud. They are small, papery, and have a honeycomb-like shape. Typically, the nests are 3 to 4 inches in diameter. They are made up of about 200 tiny cells, and are usually shaped like a honeycomb.

The nests are made from chewed wood fibers, which are then converted into a paste-like substance. The mixture contains wax for waterproofing. They can also be made of mud or saliva. These nests grow with each generation. They can reach huge sizes.

Social wasps build nests in buildings or hollow trees. They also build nests in rock crevices. Some species prefer to burrow in the ground, while others build nests in loft spaces. Some nests are made in wood sheds. Other wasps have nests made of paper pulp.

A female wasp, the queen, lays eggs in a cell, then prepares the cell for the next egg laying. When the weather warms, the nest is reconstructed.

When the weather gets colder, the workers die. The newly mated wasp emerges to start the construction process. The nest is made from wood pulp, paper, and saliva. They build a network of small cells, which are protected by further layers of paper. The nest grows with each generation, and by the end of the nest’s life cycle, it is usually a good size.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!