
Why Can’t We Kill All Wasps?

Despite being a bit of a nuisance, wasps are beneficial insects. They are important pollinators and they control pest populations. They also help regulate the number of carnivorous insects in the area.

There are thousands of species of wasps, and they all play important roles in the ecosystem. While some species are docile, others are aggressive.

There are also social wasps, which live in large colonies. They control other insects, including spiders, caterpillars, and greenfly. They are also capable of capturing large numbers of insect prey. This is an important thing to know when trying to control a pest problem.

They may also sting if you get too close to their nests. If you’re planning on removing a nest, make sure you wear protective gear, and be cautious about handling the nest itself. It’s a dangerous task, so avoid it if you can.

The CDC reported that over 62 people died from wasp stings in the United States between 2000 and 2017. While that number is small, it’s a good indication that wasps are a real nuisance.

Some species of wasps are even capable of stinging you multiple times. Wasps are a natural enemy, but you can keep them under control by reducing your encounters with them. You can also discourage them by covering up garbage. It might seem like a small thing, but it helps keep them away from your food and other items that they might need to build their nests.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!