
Why Are Wasps More Aggressive in the Fall?

Typical wasps only sting if they feel threatened. However, there are a few reasons they may sting you.

In order to survive, these stinging insects have to consume plenty of food. They are hungry and are always on the lookout for a tasty morsel. When they don’t have any food, they can become a bit aggressive. Fortunately, there are a few ways to keep wasps out of your home.

The best way to prevent wasps is to seal off your home and to keep your trash cans tightly sealed. This will not only keep the insects out, it will also keep them from gaining access to food.

In the fall, adult wasps turn to carbohydrates as a source of food. They are also more aggressive when it comes to securing food. This is especially true when they are trying to find an adequate meal.

The best way to prevent wasps from getting into your home is to seal off any entrances, especially those under windowsills. Wasps can get into your home through rotted areas beneath siding or through holes in the siding. It’s also best to have outdoor fans or fans installed to keep the insects at bay.

Wasps are not the only creatures on your property that can be a menace. Bees are also stinging creatures, so keep them at bay by keeping the area around your home clean and free of debris. Bees are attracted to sweet smells and can take advantage of any chance they get to get into your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!