
Which Wasps Are the Worst?

Often considered to be a nuisance, wasps are actually beneficial insects that pollinate flowers, eat parasites, and are a nutritious snack. However, there are many species of wasps, some of which are extremely dangerous.

One of the more common stinging insects are paper wasps. These wasps build nests out of paper and can sting you several times. These wasps are also known for being aggressive. The stings can go through thick clothing or protective gear.

Other stinging insects include bald-faced hornets, yellowjackets, and cicada killer wasps. These insects can be a nuisance, but they are also useful predators. The cicada killer wasp is very large, and it digs a large burrow to carry prey to the soil.

The cicada killer wasp is one of the most venomous insects in the world, and it is a threat to children playing on the lawn. It can also sting people who step on it with bare feet.

Another stinging insect is the thread-waisted wasp. These wasps are very aggressive and will sting you if you try to get them to leave the nest. They will also sting people who try to stop them from leaving.

There are over 33,000 species of hunting wasps, and they all carry stingers. The most common types are the common hunting wasp and the mud dauber wasp. These wasps will usually hunt insects to feed their larvae.

There are also social wasps, which produce colonies and are protective of them. They are a little more aggressive than the other types of wasps.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!