
When Does Wasps Live?

Approximately 30,000 species of wasps live around the world. The most common types of wasps are social insects, which live in a nest with an egg-laying queen. They rely on a colony for food, shelter, and reproductive opportunities.

A colony of wasps may be as large as 10,000 workers. These workers collect food, build the nest, and protect the colony.

The nest can be built inside a building or tree cavity. The queen will hibernate until spring, when she returns to build a new nest. After hibernation, the queen wasp lays eggs. These eggs develop into larvae, which feed on plants and insects. The larvae regurgitate the insect exoskeletons and feed on nectar and sugary substances.

After hibernation, the queen wasp begins the process of fertilizing the eggs with sperm saved from hibernation. These eggs are then laid in the nest cells. A new queen is then born, which will find a warm, dry place to hibernate.

The queen wasp’s food is the nectar from flowers. She will die if she is not provided with enough food. The other workers collect insects, feed the larvae, and take care of the nest.

The queen’s hibernation process may be disrupted by a reduction in temperatures. This can alter the queen’s energy storage abilities and she may die of starvation. Eventually, the queen wasp will die and the colony will die.

Wasps are known to live in a variety of habitats throughout North America. They are often found in meadows, parks, and hedgerows. They can also be found in and around homes. They are often attracted to trash cans and open cans of soda.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!