
What Size Screen to Keep Wasps Out of Your Home?

Having a mesh screen around your door and windows is a good way to keep wasps and other flying insects out of your home. This will also keep your kids safe.

There are many species of wasps, and they all have their own special characteristics. Generally speaking, social wasps prefer to live in colonies. These colonies may contain hundreds of eggs and workers. Some species are very aggressive and can sting humans. Wasps are at their most active during the late summer months.

The most efficient way to keep wasps from entering your home is to make sure you have a sturdy window screen and door screen. You can find mesh screens in most grocery stores. However, you may need to replace these screens periodically.

You should also make sure you have a secure lid on your garbage bin. The wasps may see this as a threat and try to enter the bin. A secure lid can be as simple as a bungee cord.

There are several different types of mesh screens available. TWP Inc. offers a variety of widths and designs, as well as galvanized and woven mesh.

You can also try using a natural insect repellent. These are often referred to as botanical insecticides. They contain effective essential oils. These types of repellents can be found online.

There are also several wasp-repelling plants that will act as a natural border around your porch. These include mint, basil, and marigolds.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!