
What is the Strongest Wasp?

Thousands of species of wasps exist throughout the world. Some are solitary species, while others are found in colonies. Most species are harmless to humans, but some are known to be extremely aggressive. These species sting to defend themselves and their nests. Some species of wasps are known to sting multiple people in a single lifetime.

The tarantula hawk wasp is a spider wasp that lives in the deserts of the United States. These wasps are known to only sting when they feel threatened. This is because the hawk wasps only attack tarantulas. If they find a tarantula, they will sting the tarantula to paralyze it. The tarantula hawk wasp can grow to be about 11 centimeters long.

The largest wasp in the world, the Dalara Garuda, was discovered in 2011. These wasps have a black body with a huge jaw and wings that are long and powerful. The male has long and pointed jaws. The female has wingless bodies and is called the “velvet ant”.

Another large species of wasp is the great golden digger wasp. This species digs burrows in sand. Their name is derived from the golden pubescence on their bodies. The great golden digger wasp is part of the Sphecidae family. The female great golden digger wasp can reach about 1.5 inches in length.

The Asian giant hornet is another large wasp. It is also known as the Japanese giant hornet. It has an orange head. The Asian giant hornet can grow to be 2.2 inches in length. The Asian giant hornet is found in Asia and Europe.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!