What Does it Mean When Ants Kill Wasps?
ants and wasps interact with each other in a variety of ways, but what does it mean when ants kill wasps? In some cases, the two species may compete for the same food, but in other cases, they may be invading each other’s nest.
A recent study investigated the interactions between ants and wasps. The researchers used a laboratory setup to simulate the natural environment and studied how the two species interact with each other. Using tuna fish as food baits, the researchers counted how many ants and wasps were present during airdrop episodes.
In one case, a swarm of ants ransacked a giant wasp nest. The ants created a bridge out of their own bodies to reach the nest. They then carried the honeycomb away from the nest.
Another case involved a swarm of army ants. The ants built a bridge in order to get to a giant wasp nest. The swarm of army ants carried the honeycomb away from the nest.
The researchers investigated the behavior of these army ants. They found that they carry food and larvae. They also build bridges over water. They can also raid nests of social wasps.
The researchers found that most of these interactions were non-aggressive. However, some were more aggressive. In four out of four cases, the wasps were able to defeat the ants. However, in only four of these cases did the wasps leave the arena with the ants.
This is one of the first studies to look at the impact of ants on social wasps. It was found that a quarter to a third of these interactions were less civil than the average, but the overall effect was not harmful.