
Protective Clothing For Beekeepers

Whether you are working in a garden, or in public, you should always wear protective clothing. This will prevent you from getting stung.

Yellow jackets are aggressive when they think you are threatening their nest. They can sting multiple times without dying. If you are not wearing protective clothing, you will become a prime target for a yellow jacket attack.

When a yellow jacket attacks, they will sting repeatedly and may even chase you over long distances. Depending on how thick your clothes are, you may be able to withstand a sting. You may also want to wear gloves and protective gear.

Wearing protective clothing also helps you study wasp and bee behaviors. Especially in the summer, when they are at their peak, you can observe them buzzing around, and even stinging.

You can also wear a beekeeper’s veil and hat to keep wasps away from your face. To do this, fasten the veil or hat to your clothing around your neck.

The veil or hat should not disrupt your line of sight. The mesh should also be thick enough to prevent you from being attacked.

Wearing thick protective clothing, like fencing veils, is the best way to keep yellow jackets away. They are made of thick cotton, polyester, or vinyl. These veils are usually worn under thick pants. You can also choose to use a tennis racket or butterfly net to remove a small population.

It is also important to wear gloves when handling honeycomb. Many beekeepers do not wear gloves when handling honeycomb.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!