
Is It Bad to Kill Wasps?

Whether or not you should kill wasps is a personal decision. While many people consider wasps a nuisance, they also provide a valuable service by killing insects. Unlike bees, wasps are aggressive, which means you may get stung.

If you are considering killing wasps, be aware that you may attract more wasps. If you swat or kill a wasp, it will release a chemical signal that warns the rest of the colony. This will make the wasp more aggressive.

If you are unsure about killing wasps, there are non-lethal ways to eliminate them. These methods can help protect your property and the health of your family. You can also download a free printable wasp repellent to help deter wasps.

One option is to saturate the nest with water. This is a more effective method than burning it. However, it is not recommended for use at night. A wasp’s nest is flammable. You may be stung or injured if you try to burn it.

Another method is to use a powder version of a wasp insecticide. This is also called nest dusting. You can find this in your local home improvement store. You may need to reapply this for several weeks to completely eliminate the nest.

You can also spray a natural wasp repellent. There are several oils that can be used, including clove, lemongrass, geranium, and eucalyptus. You can use these oils to protect your home and your family. This method is also safer for the environment.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!