
Is It a Wasps Nest?

During spring and summer months, wasps will emerge from their nests and start looking for a place to live. They prefer to live in places where they can hide from the elements, such as eaves and crevices.

These insects can be difficult to deal with. They sting and can cause pain, and can even burn the skin. They can also make outdoor spaces unusable. It’s best to take preventive measures to keep them from making your yard a mess.

Wasps will build nests of chewed-up wood, mud, and saliva, which give them a papery appearance. These nests can be large and elaborate, like termite mounds, or small and compact, like vases and miniature pottery.

Usually, these nests are built on buildings, but they can also be found in the ground. If you have an old hornet or yellow jacket nest in your yard, you should contact a professional exterminator to help you get rid of it.

Paper wasps are aggressive insects, and they will attack you when they feel threatened. They can also grow very large, and they are often found around playground equipment or decks.

If you have a wasp nest, you’ll need to take precautions to prevent them from stinging you. Wear protective clothing, such as thick jeans, boots, and a hood. Also, close nearby windows.

You can also use a pest control powder with carbaryl to kill the wasps. You can find this product at your local home improvement store.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!