
Is Hornets the Same As Wasps?

Despite their name, hornets are not the same as wasps. Both insects belong to the order Hymenoptera and are members of the subfamily Vespinae. However, hornets and wasps have some similarities, such as their long, slender bodies. They also both have a stinger. These stingers are very painful and can cause serious injury. Unlike bees, hornets are more aggressive when threatened.

Wasps and hornets both build nests. These nests can be found in trees, attic spaces, and other areas of your home. These nests are usually papery. The nests are made up of a series of cells that are exposed to the outside world. These nests are also found in rotting logs and tree hollows.

Wasps are known for being good pollinators. However, some species are known to eat pests. They are also known to eat fermented fruits. In some cases, they have lone queens that take over the maintenance of the nest.

Both insects have the same general look, but wereps are more slender and rounder than hornets. They also have a rounded abdomen behind the waist. They are usually black and white, but some species may have no markings. They have a stinger, but it is not barbbed.

They can build nests in cavities, attics, and hollow walls. They also chew wood to produce papery pulp. They can be aggressive when they feel threatened, but they do not attack unprovoked.

The most common type of hornet is the European hornet. It is a relatively large insect, ranging in size from a half-inch to a foot in length. It is often found in the United States. The bald-faced hornet is slightly smaller. It is black with white patterns on its face.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!