
How to Get Rid of a Wasps Nest

Getting rid of a wasps nest is an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous experience for homeowners. It’s important to get rid of a wasps nest as soon as possible. Wasps can be dangerous for people who have allergies to wasp stings. Wasps can also sting small children. The CDC reports that 62 people die annually from wasp stings. If you have allergies to wasp stings, you should call an exterminator to get rid of a wasps’ nest.

To remove a wasp’s nest, you need to wear protective clothing. You should also spray the nest with insecticidal dust. You can purchase proprietary insecticides in most hardware stores. These products must be used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Before you spray a wasp’s nest, you should identify the species of wasps. If you’re not sure what type of wasps are in your area, you can contact a local vector control district. They deal with disease-carrying insects and other potentially dangerous animals. They will tell you the best way to get rid of a wasps’s nest.

The University of Minnesota Extension recommends spraying a wasp’s nest at night or early in the morning. You’ll also need a hand-held spray can.

After spraying, the wasps will likely die. You’ll also want to bury the nest. If you can’t spray it, it might be a good idea to freeze the nest. This is especially effective for wasps in trees.

If you don’t have a hand-held spray can, you can try to remove a wasp’s nest by using a spray adhesive. You can also purchase a hose-end spray bottle for this purpose. You’ll also need to section off the area for at least 24 hours.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!