
How Far Can Wasps Smell Sugar?

During the summer season, most adult wasps are mainly interested in consuming sugar. They get sugar from flower nectar or honeydew. These substances are produced by aphids and other insects. However, as the season progresses, the amounts of these sources decrease.

During the spring and summer season, wasps are particularly attracted to bright colors. They are also attracted to flowers and fruits. Some of the colors they are attracted to are pink, yellow, green, white, and violet. This depends on the particular species of wasp and the environment. Some species are vegetarian and rely on nectar and honey from bees.

Other wasps are specialized to feed on a particular type of prey. In fact, the University of Maryland has found that wasps are more attracted to white flowers.

Wasps that feed on fruit associate the color of the fruit with the source of the sugar. This is called trophallaxis. Later in the season, when the sources of sugar diminish, the exchange of trophallaxis stops.

During the winter, wasps are more interested in protein than sugar. The larvae of wasps require large amounts of proteins to feed their young. The larvae also prefer meat.

The best way to prevent wasps from entering your home is to keep your trash and recycling bins clean. Wasps are attracted to sweet foods, so it is important to remove all fallen fruit. You can also purchase citronella candles at most supermarkets. You can place them in small terracotta plant pots.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!