
How Far Can Wasps Smell Food?

During the summer, wasps are hungry for protein and sugar-based foods. They use their powerful sense of smell to find food sources. They will swarm around the source.

Wasps will build nests in high places to protect themselves from other threats. Some wasp species are aggressive. Others are docile and can coexist with humans.

Wasps will fly as close as millimeters to their food source. You can reduce their attraction by covering the food. You can also cover drinks or foods that are sweet. Some wasps prefer rotten fruits, meats, and sweet sauces.

A mesh cloche over your food is a good way to prevent wasps from smelling your food. You can also use insect repellents such as peppermint oil. You can place peppermint oil in gaps between your deck or porch roofs. You can also spray wasps with hairspray to freeze them. This works as a repellent and will also cause the wasps to fall to the ground.

The best way to avoid wasps is to wear light or pale colors. They can be difficult to detect, especially if you are wearing bright clothes. Similarly, you can spritz wasps with water to slow their flight.

Another way to repel wasps is by using a mixture of vinegar and water. The vinegar will irritate their sense of smell. The water will cover up any other scents that wasps find attractive.

Another way to keep wasps away is to remove clutter from your backyard. Wasps can be very territorial, and they will attack you if you get too close to their nests.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!