
How Can We Help Wasps?

Whether you’re trying to protect your garden or just have a wasp problem in your yard, there are a few steps you can take to help. While it’s never a good idea to kill wasps, it’s possible to deter them.

If you see a wasp nest, you should stay away from it. You can use an insect veil, long pants, and gloves to protect yourself. This should also help prevent your children from getting stung.

Wasps like to nest in hollows on the ground. You can help prevent this by filling in cracks around your home. Sealing your garbage bins and compost bins will also help keep wasps away. If you have a large wasp problem, it’s a good idea to remove your compost bins indoors.

To prevent wasps from landing on your skin, try to avoid stepping barefoot in the backyard. If possible, use boots instead. Also, try to use gloves if you are working on your yard.

Wasps are attracted to food, so make sure you don’t keep food outside. You can also deter wasps by making your home less attractive. Wasps are also attracted to sweet foods, so avoid sugary beverages.

Another way to deter wasps is to use essential oils. You can combine these with water and spray around your home. You can also mix these with dish soap. This will clog the wasp’s breathing pores, causing them to die.

If you’re trying to get rid of wasps, you can use a residual liquid insecticide from a home improvement store. These products work by sticking to the insects as they leave their nest.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!