
How Can Wasps Protect Their Nests?

Getting stung by a wasp is not fun, but there are ways to avoid it. If you’re allergic to insect stings, avoid these little creatures. If you’re not allergic, you should watch for symptoms that indicate your reaction to their venom.

Wasps are a part of the order Hymenoptera. These insects have venom glands and powerful mandibles. Their mandibles can cut through insect nets in a matter of minutes. They also have special jaws designed for nest building.

When they sting, wasps use a stinger to inject venom that paralyzes their prey. They are also known to emit a chemical signal that warns other members of their colony of the presence of a danger.

One of the largest wasps is the murder hornet. It can sting repeatedly, and is known to inflict fatal injuries on humans. It is also known to sting when it senses a threat.

Another famous type of wasp is the ground hornet. They can be found in the southern United States and Canada. These insects are known to decapitate hundreds of bees and other insects.

Other species of wasps build nests. These nests are usually made of paper and wood. They are built high in trees or in roof cavities. These nests can also be found inside homes, if they can get past the screens or open windows.

The best way to avoid getting stung by a wasp is to avoid getting too close to their nests. Wasps will attack anything trying to get to their nests.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!