
How Can Wasps Get in Your House?

Having wasps in your house can be an annoying problem. However, it can be easily solved. Several options exist, including trapping, spraying and killing. If you want a more permanent solution, consider hiring a professional to remove the infestation.

Wasps enter houses through cracks and gaps. They are attracted to sweet and syrupy foods, such as juice and honey. Wasps may also seek out a sheltered place to hibernate in the winter. This could be in your attic or in an underground location.

Wasps also tend to be more aggressive than other stinging insects. They can be aggressive toward people who try to get rid of them. However, if you are calm and non-irritated, you are unlikely to be attacked.

Wasps are most active during the summer. If you are experiencing an infestation, check around the perimeter of your house for gaps and holes where wasps could be entering. You can also try sealing these areas. However, you should never seal active wasp nests. This could kill the whole nest.

Wasps also have a tendency to swarm. This can lead to an extremely noisy buzzing sound. If you see a swarm, you should try to remove the swarm as quickly as possible. Wasps tend to be most active during the evening. However, you may see wasps during the daytime.

In some cases, wasps may enter your home through vents. These vents usually lead outside. To prevent wasps from entering your home, you can cover the vents with a small piece of screening.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!