
How Can I Prevent Wasps From Nesting in My Home?

Having a wasp nest on your property is not only a hassle but can also be dangerous. Wasps are known to sting people, causing painful red welts. They are also known to cause life-threatening allergic reactions. They can also sting multiple times, and can even kill a person.

Luckily, there are several ways you can prevent wasps from nesting in your home. First, you need to get rid of the food that attracts them. This includes old food in trash cans and compost bins. Also, keep your garbage cans and bin lids closed tightly. Wasps are attracted to garbage cans because they are full of old food.

You can also put up wasp traps to keep wasps away from your home. You can purchase these devices at your local home improvement store. You can place them in areas that are not used often. These areas include under siding and eaves, underneath overhangs, and near the garage.

Another way to keep wasps away from your home is to use natural mosquito repellents. These products can be effective alternatives to pesticides. You can mix essential oils like lemongrass and geranium with water and spray them around your home. You can also place wasp repellant plants around your porch or in the garden.

Wasps have a very strong sense of smell. They are also attracted to sweet-smelling plants. These plants produce an abundance of sap and nectar. If you are using essential oils, you may also want to mix them with dish soap and water.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!