
Hornets and Wasps – Which Stings Hurt More?

Unlike bees, wasps sting you when you approach them. The stings are painful and they can cause serious allergic reactions. There are several types of wasps, such as hornets, yellow jackets, and yellowjackets. Some types of wasps are more aggressive than others.

Hornets are one of thousands of species in the hymenopteran order. Other members of the order include bees, wasps, ants, and flies. They are one of the most dangerous insects to humans. A single hornet’s sting can be fatal. There is some evidence that some varieties of hornets carry neurotoxins, which can be fatal in certain situations. The sting of the Asian giant hornet, also known as the “murder hornet”, can be very painful.

Wasps are different from hornets in many ways. Wasps can be solitary, and they usually don’t have young to feed. Adult wasps live in the wild and feed on plant matter. They also scavenge for other insects. A queen wasp breeds a new generation of males and females in the spring. Their nests are typically made from wood pulp. These nests are attached to rafters, attic rafters, eaves, porch ceilings, and other buildings.

Wasps sting when they feel threatened. The stingers are smooth and can penetrate the skin many times. A wasp sting can be uncomfortable and upsetting to adults and children. Some people have a reaction to wasp stings that lasts for several days. Others experience symptoms that only last for a few hours.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!