
Did You Know That Wasps Go Away in the Fall?

Unlike other insects, wasps don’t hibernate, but they do prepare their nests for winter. This is because they need food to survive during the cold winter months. It is important to keep your home and outdoor spaces free of wasps. They are stinging insects that can be dangerous.

Wasps are also social insects, meaning they can attack multiple times. They release chemical pheromones to alert other wasps to their presence. This may lead to increased aggression in the fall when they are seeking food.

After a long winter, wasps are hungry and look for food. They may find open drink containers or leftover food in your home. However, you can avoid these situations by covering food while cooking.

Some species of wasps are highly territorial. If you notice a large number of wasps around your home, it may be a sign of a wasp nest. You can prevent wasp infestations by sealing entry points to your home, and by limiting outdoor activities. You can also limit wasp sightings by using outdoor fans.

A lot of insects increase activity during the fall months to prepare for winter. Some species, such as hornets, are mainly insect eaters. They may supplement their diet with tree sap and windfall fruit. They are not very aggressive, and only sting if they feel threatened.

The fall is also the time when new wasps, or queens, emerge from their winter nests. They are often found in crevices, attics, and sheds. They then lay eggs in a new nest cell.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!