
Can Wasps Live in the Ground?

Despite their appearance, most wasps do not live in the ground. They are scavengers, which feed on plant nectar and honeydew. But some wasps live in the ground for several reasons. Some nest in the ground to avoid predators. Others dig holes in the ground to lay eggs. These wereps are called ground digger wasps.

Ground digger wasps are not aggressive toward humans. They feed on cicadas and other insects. They are sometimes found in yards, but are often overlooked. The best time to find them is early morning.

Ground digger wasps are found in rotting wood, mulch, compost, and piles of dirt. These wasps prefer areas that are sunny and dry.

They may also be found in areas where cicadas live. These wereps are also called cicada killer wasps. They can damage flower beds and lawns. They look for a sunny area to build a nest.

Ground wasps build a nest out of wood, compost, and mulch. They usually nest in a conical pile of dirt with a large hole in the center. The nest is extremely durable and usually about a meter wide.

In the spring, one female yellow jacket will start a new colony. She will leave a single prey item behind. The other wasps will take care of the rest. The female returns to the nest when her eggs are hatched.

If you are not comfortable with the presence of wasps in your yard, you may want to consider hiring a pest control company to get rid of them. These companies use pesticides, but you should read the label to ensure you are using the proper product.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!