
Can I Wear Peppermint Oil to Repeal Wasps?

During the summer months, wasps can be a nuisance. Wasps like to build nests in high sheltered areas. They are also territorial, and will not build nests near other nests. They are also stinging insects, so it is important to take steps to keep them out.

Thankfully, you can make your own wasp repellent using a number of natural solutions. One of the best ways to do this is with peppermint oil. Peppermint oil is known to deter wasps and can kill wasp eggs. In addition, peppermint is safe around children and pets.

Another effective wasp deterrent is vinegar. Vinegar has a strong sour odor, which wasps don’t like. It is also a potent deterrent against mosquitoes and ants.

Other options include cinnamon and cloves. These werep-repelling spices can be used on a regular basis to keep wasps at bay.

An essential oil mixture can also be used. It will not get rid of wasps, but it will keep them away from your desired area. It can be sprayed inside and outside of your home. However, it won’t cover an entire area.

To make your own wasp repellent, combine four tablespoons of peppermint oil with half a cup of plain water. Mix thoroughly. Spray the solution on your eaves, window shutters, door frames, and railings. Spray once a week.

Peppermint oil is also effective at repelling bees. It can be diluted with carrier oil to make it safe for children.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!