
Are Wasps Always Aggressive?

Throughout the year, wasps have a varying degree of aggression. During the late summer and fall, they are more aggressive. They will become territorial when the food supply becomes more limited. If you are attacked by wasps, cover your eyes, mouth, and face. You should also avoid swimming and running.

When wasps get aggressive, they usually seek a source of protein to feed their larvae and juvenile queens. Their food source decreases as plants die off. They will become territorial and attack anyone that disturbs their nest.

Wasps are usually not aggressive unless they are in danger. They will sting anyone that swats at them or enters their nest. They will also attack any moving objects that are close to them. They will also sting you when they see you as a threat.

When wasps attack, you should move away from them as quickly as possible. They will often chase you up to 50 to 100 feet. They are most likely to attack your face.

If you are attacked by wasps, you should cover your face with a towel or something else to keep them from stinging you. If you are bitten, you should call an emergency number and seek medical help. A wasp’s sting can be very painful.

If you think you have a wasp allergy, you can visit your doctor and get an epinephrine autoinjector to reduce symptoms. This can be a life-threatening situation. You should avoid sugary drinks and other food that wasps might feed on. You should also dispose of these food sources.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!