
Are There Tiny Wasps That Are So Small?

Among the hundreds of species of wasps, there are several types that are so small that they are considered solitary. These solitary wasps have bodies ranging from about half an inch to 1.5 inches. They are often seen as beneficial insects in landscapes. They do not sting and rarely cause problems for humans.

One of the smallest wasps in the world is the fairyfly, which is about 0.14mm in length. These tiny insects are parasites that control the populations of other insects. Their larvae feed on other insects, which they then kill. They also lay eggs inside other insects. These tiny insects are extremely beneficial to agriculture, but only live for a few days.

A wasp colony consists of hundreds of worker wasps. The queen wasp emerges in the spring and hibernates in the winter. The workers then gather food to feed the larvae. The adults do not need much protein. They mainly feed on small creatures.

Some wasps sting several times without causing any harm to themselves. Some species, such as the Africanized Bee, are a health hazard in the Southern United States. They are slowly expanding their geographic range.

There are several different species of mud dauber wasps in the U.S. These wereps are not aggressive and they build unsightly mud nests in places where humans reside. These wasps sting only when they are pinned against a human’s skin. Unlike the paper wasp, which hangs from the ceiling and shrubs, these wasps build nests in the ground.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!