How to Keep Your Cat Safe From Termites
If you’ve just discovered termites in your home, you may be worried about the safety of your pets. Despite being the most common animal that is bitten by termites, pets don’t have a lot of experience with the sting of these insects.
Fortunately, there are ways to keep your cat safe during a termite treatment. For example, you can put your pet in a room with a large screened in window. This is an effective way to prevent your cat from coming in contact with the treatment chemicals.
It’s also important to keep your cat from licking the area where the treatment has been applied. If your cat does, it can develop an allergic reaction, which could lead to diarrhea and a skin rash.
If your cat has been exposed to termite treatment, your vet can help treat the symptoms. They might even take blood samples to see if the chemicals are in your cat’s system.
It’s always a good idea to take your pet to your veterinarian for an exam. They can help determine if your pet has an allergy to the treatment, or whether it’s just a reaction to something else.
Having your pet stay indoors until the entire termite treatment is over can be a good idea, too. This is especially important if the treatment is being done outside the house.
Using a flea brush to comb through your pet will help remove any dead termites that they may have found. Then, if your pet is still having problems, a veterinarian can prescribe medication to soothe the itching.